Joyce Uptown FoodShelf is a standalone independent 501c(3) organization. We recieve significant support from Lake Harriet UMc and other community congregations, as well as hundreds of community members across the state.
Food comes from five major sources
DONATIONS of food from individuals, churches, organizations, and food drives.
FOOD RECOVERY of non-expired food from partner grocery retailers.
THE FOOD GROUP (formerly EFN - Emergency Foodshelf Network) is a coalition of 26 Hennepin County food shelves that purchases from food suppliers at a discounted rate, and passes on savings to us.
SECOND HARVEST HEARTLAND FOOD BANK which receives food from major corporations and delivers groceries to Joyce Uptown Foodshelf at a greatly reduced cost.
COMMODITIES from a U.S. government surplus commodities program.
Joyce Uptown Foodshelf uses donated money to purchase food at a significant discount (less than $.20 per pound). Food occasionally is purchased at retail when required for nutritional balance.